Restaurants Caterers Liquor Stores & Lounges Take-Out/Curbside Pickup
Restaurant:11-2 lunch, 5-9 dinner/Bar:11am-10pm week,11am-1am weekend/Package:10am-10pm/ClosedSunday
The Albany is an established downtown business with a loyal customer following. From the governor, to the old-timer, we have been serving the city of Cheyenne for over 75 years. We offer friendly service and competitive prices in an old-world atmosphere that you won’t find anywhere else. That’s why we are the locals’ favorite year after year!
We prepare all of our soups, gravies, salad dressings and specials, from scratch. We hand-cut our steaks and slow-roast our meats. We prepare the freshest ingredients available and use time-tested recipes developed in our family-run kitchen.