SodGarden Centers, Nurseries, Landscaping
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Sod vs. Seed
Today we expect convenience, efficiency and quality in our products. Buildings are going up almost overnight and attractive landscaping is installed in hours. Why wait 1 or 2 years for a new lawn to struggle to maturity when you can have a beautiful sod lawn compliment your buildings right now. A high quality sod lawn can be conveniently installed in hours, at a surprisingly low cost.
Blue Ribbon Sod Farm offers a variety of grass blends to suit various needs such as climate, amount of usage, and sun and shade conditions. Cultivated turf allows you to enjoy a lawn of instant beauty and maturity without the usual time-consuming hassles of seeding.
Immediately controls erosion, mud and dust
Can be installed most of the year
Works where seed, sprigs or plugs would fail
Sod helps our environment:
Releases oxygen and cools the air
Controls pollution and reduces soil erosion
Purifies and replenishes our water supply
Provides a natural, comfortable and safe setting for everyone