Climb Wyoming


Non-Profit/Foundations Volunteer Opportunities

About Us

Mission: For low-income single mothers to discover self-sufficiency through career training and placement.

35 Years of Restoring Hope

Climb Wyoming’s model was developed in Cheyenne in 1986 for single mothers ages 16–21 under the name of the Fleming Young Parent Program. Rec­og­niz­ing this suc­cess­ful paradigm and the need to reach more single mothers, Wyoming community partners col­lab­o­rated to aggres­sively expand the Young Parent Program model to serve low-income single mothers of all ages across the state. See our history timeline for more information.

In the past five years, Climb has trained more than 310 participants statewide in various medical careers; these graduates are now filling severe shortages in the state’s healthcare workforce.


Climb Wyoming - Cheyenne Business Liaison
Category: Public Relations
Use your professional networks and negotiation skills to make a dramatic and lasting impact on the lives of Cheyenne families by securing jobs for low-income single moms in our community. The ideal candidate is an experienced collaborator who can spot local workforce needs, develop industry trainings, place participants in jobs, and work with participants to get ready for and sustain more
Contact: Cici
Phone:(307) 316-1450