Healthcare Services
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week
Driving Directions:
Kimball Health Services Hospital & Clinic - 505 S Burg Street, Kimball NE 69145
Pine Bluffs Health Clinic - 117 E 4th Street, Pine Bluffs WY 82082
Kimball Health Services is a non-profit government entity, owned by the citizens of Kimball County and committed to providing quality, patient-centered care for our community. Our hospital and on-campus clinic in Kimball and our clinic in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming offer state-of-the-art technology, access to specialty referral sources and a warm, caring environment.
We have an excellent staff and offer a full range of services, either in-house or through contractual arrangements. As the only medical provider in the Kimball and Pine Bluffs communities, we offer all services: two clinics, hospital outpatient care, inpatient care, surgery, ER, and serve the local nursing home. We are committed to excellence and believe in providing the highest level of patient care.
As part of our commitment to our communities, we provide several services through our website. Here you can pay a hospital or clinic bill online, make a suggestion, or learn about our services. We welcome any suggestions or comments about how to improve our services to you.