United Way of Laramie County


Non-Profit/Foundations Volunteer Opportunities

About Us

We fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community; we win by living United, mobilizing the best resources and inspiring individuals to join the fight against their community’s most daunting social crises.
We strive to be a symbol of hope, an agent for change, a leader, a convener, a hand-raiser, a game-changer, and an organization working to improve the quality of life for everyone in our community.
We envision a community where all individuals and families have the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and that fosters hope and opportunity for everyone;
To make a difference, we will:

Ignite our community, and thereby mobilize people who live and work in Laramie County to action by giving, advocating, and volunteering
Connect all sectors of society (individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and governments) to create long-term change
Raise, invest and leverage the funds to create and support innovative programs and approaches to generate sustained impact in Laramie County
Continually measure improvement in Laramie County in the areas of education, financial stability, and health
Hold ourselves accountable to our community


United Way of Laramie County Campaign Chairs, Jess & Dr. Danielle Ryan
United Way of Laramie County Red Carpet Opening
Vernon, Shelly, Kris & Rod during WyoGives